Thursday, March 14, 2013

Warm Bodies By Isaac Marion

Isaac Marion

  Born: 1981 near Seattle
  Occupation: American writer, photographer and a painter

              The story begins with a zombie named "R". He has no name, no memories, and no pulse, but he has dreams. He is a little different from his fellow Dead.Amongst the ruins of an abandoned city, R meets a girl. Her name is Julie and she is the opposite of everything he knows - warm and bright and very much alive, she is a blast of color in a dreary grey landscape. For reasons he can't understand, R chooses to save Julie instead of eating her, and a tense yet strangely tender relationship begins. 
            The novel shows how forbidden the love storyline of Julie and R in the novel. The dead world and the  living world of Julie in the story and the love that they both have inside. Its amazing how and zombie like R likes and fall in love with Julie. The friendship that they both have and the willingness of R to breath and live life again with Julie. In this novel, it certifies that love can change who and what you are if your willing to. 

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