Saturday, March 9, 2013

If Only By Christina Welsh

  Christina Welsh

         "Life isn't always the way you want it to be. What matter is, you live with good intentions and give happiness to those you met all along the way." Love when there is love that you've feeling. Smile though your heart starts to be broken. Appreciate small or big things that your special someone gives and love them whole heartily. Do the best thing for the person you love for you don't own their lives. Don't take them for granted for they live only once and make the best memories that you both treasure forever. 

            The story of Ian Wyndham and Samantha Andrews reminds me of something that I used to laugh before way back high school. Ian Wyndham is a business man who lives with his musician girlfriend Samantha Andrews in London. Ian takes Sam for granted making Sam feeling vulnerable in the role of the one who loves more. As the day progress, it takes through a day in Ian and Sam's life.  There are different events that Ian dreamed or certainly happened truly in reality like Sam getting brunt on the kettle, his watch breaking, Sam getting coca-cola split on her clothes and being interrupted by Sam during an important meeting at work where Samantha had mistakenly thought that he had forgotten his presentation folder at home. As he held a taxi, the driver tells about how he and Sam are going through difficulties then the driver recommended he should just love her. After the concert Ian tries to dismiss Sam's favorite student. At dinner, Sam confront Ian where her frustrations boils over. She gets angry at Ian for his attitude toward her and tells hi that she wants him to be love her and got out in the restaurant with tears as Ian follows for her for forgiveness. Sam gets in the same man who he traveled with earlier that day. The man gives Ian an ominous smile and as the clock hits 11p.m, Sam close the door and leaving him standing. Then the sudden thing happened that cause Ian's world realize how much he loves Sam.

            As long as there is time to spend good memories with the one you love, make the best thing of it. Don't waste time for life is only limited and you can't predict what will happen next for your not a fortune teller to know everything. Be the best man or woman, don't be stupid, and love them more as much as they do for true love knock only once's.

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