Monday, February 11, 2013

Dear John By: Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks

 Name: Nicholas Sparks
 Birth Date: December 31, 1965
 Place Of Birth: Omaha, Nebraska
 Education: University of Notre Dame
 Occupation: Author
Love come and goes unexpectedly in such time in which the person you love will gonna leave you for some reasons and promise to be with you forever. Long distance relationship my work but sometimes we can’t deny to that fact that it doesn’t last. Also, Long distance relationships measure the love that you feel to that person and choose either to hold on or wait or will give up.

In the story “Dear John”, Special Forces Army Sergeant John Tryee is home for a two week-leave from Germany. He meets Savannah Curtis after he dives into the ocean to retrieve the purse that had fallen in the pier. John was smitten by Savannah and was fall in love in the first sight. Savannah Curtis is a college student at the University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill and she’s on her spring break while helping to build a house for habitat for humanity. At the bonfire, John meets Savannah’s friend Tim Wheddon. He quickly learns how inviting and mature Savannah and Tim are.  At the end of John’s leave, Savannah meet John in the pier and mentions that she thinks John’s distant father has Asperser’s. It’s a development disease which would explain why his dad is distant, has the same and exact schedule conversation every day and is only interested in his gigantic coin collection. He quickly gets mad and accidentally hit Tim’s right in the nose. The two forgive John of what he did and before he departs, he promised Savannah he’ll marry her when he completes his deployment. As he came home on leave, they spend a very close night together while at one of the empty houses for habitat humanity. Savannah writes to John as what she promised starting with Dear John and promises her love for him. John was excited to come home with Savannah but due to 9/11, he feels the duty to reenlist in the army. For years has passed that they’ve been away with each other, Savannah writes to John another letter that starts with Dear John and ends with good-bye. He was broken hearted after he reads the last letter that he received from Savannah.

John’s father dies after suffering from heart attacks. John sees Savannah one day and finds out that she married her best-friend Tim and has been living with his brother Allan who suffers from Autism. Tim, while in his death bed ask John to make Savannah happy and marry her when he passed away. In his mind, he decides to sells his father’s coin collection in order to find Tim treatment for his Melanoma. He decides to do this after realizing how selfless Tim is let Savannah go with him just to make her happy. Tim in his dead bed still cared for her safety and happiness. The treatment for him works and was released in the hospital. In that point, John never regrets that she loved Savannah. John is watching Savannah, starring at the full moon proving her unending love for John. 

In the middle chapter of my reading, I stop and face myself in the mirror and realize something that knocks me into reality. John’s character reminds me of someone who I admired before and until now I still admired him. Though distance hinder, we find ways to communicate and wait things to happen in the right time in our lives. And all we have to do is to trust one another and learn how to be patient to wait things in the right time. In the end, I learn that in every love story doesn’t last for a happy ending. Though they are together, they still love each other as big as the full moon.  And I remember what John says to Savannah that “No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb.”

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A walk to Remember By: Nicholas Sparks

      Nicholas Sparks
 Name: Nicholas Sparks
 Birth Date: December 31, 1965
 Place Of Birth: Omaha, Nebraska
 Education: University of Notre Dame
 Occupation: Author
            “Remembering the person who you love most, who gives direction into your life and changed you like no other.” As God gives the life that we have today, the illness and problems that he gave to challenge our faith in him and as we found love and meet the unexpected person that will change our lives without even knowing. In this world, all of us have a corresponding task in which we may not know what it is. It’s a matter of acceptance, to love heartily, appreciate little things and live life as what God gives.
            The story of “A walk to Remember” of Nicholas Sparks touched my heart and realizes things in my life. The story begins whit a prank boy named Landon Carter, his popular but a rebellious student and his parents were separated. Because of being a rebellious student his punishment is mandatory participation in various after-school activities like tutoring disadvantaged children and performing in the drama club’s spring musical in which the writer of The Christmas Angel was Jaime’s father. At these point, he is forced to interact with quite, bookish Jaime Sullivan who he known for many years but to whom he rarely spoken. Landon had a hard time in memorizing and practicing his lines, he asks Jaime for help. She agrees to help him if he promises not to fall in love with her. He laughs off Jaime’s strange remark believing her to be the last person with whom he would ever fall in love. Although, Landon has the access to the prettiest and most popular girls in town between shy demeanor and old-fashioned clothes, then he categorized that Jaime doesn’t exactly fall into that category. The two of them practice their lines together at Jaime’s house after school. They both form a tentative friendship until Landon learns that she had a wish list of all the things she hopes to do in her life. Jaime approached Landon at his locker room one time and asks if they are still for practice that afternoon. He smirks at Jaime in front of his friends and say “in your dreams” and they laugh as Jaime’s face fills with betrayal and embarrassment. At that afternoon, Landon arrives at her house and hoping that Jaime will still help him. But, she refuses to open the door and when she eventually does, she said sarcastically that they can be “secret friends” and slams the door in his face when he agrees. Then Landon eventually learns the script by himself.
            During the play, Landon and the crowd were all astound by Jaime’s beauty and voice. He kisses her during the play which was not in the script and Landon tries to be close with Jaime but she rejected. Until his friends had a mean joke to her and punch out Dean and Belinda and takes her home. The two pursue a relationship in which Jaime’s wish list impossibly came true with Landon. She finally tells Landon that she has a terminal leukemia and has stopped responding her treatments. He was upset at first but then on she tells her reason why she was moving in her life and using the time she had left. But then on, Landon happened to fall in love with her. Break down and says to Landon “I do not need a reason to be angry with God” and flee. Jaime’s cancer gets worse and collapse in her father’s arms. She was rushed to the hospital and he never leaves her side until her father has to pry him away. Landon continues to fulfill Jaime’s wish list and learn about the nature of love and got married. They were married in the same chapel where Jaime’s diseased mother was married. She died after and Landon becomes a better person through Jaime’s memory in which he achieve the goals that he set to do like she did. He was sorry for he could not grant her wish to witness “a miracle” before she died. And Jaime’s father says “She did. It was you”. 

            At this point of life, people blame God of what kind of life that they have in their lives.  Some got angry because of uncertain things like losing someone you love, having a chronic disease, worst kind of living, being poor and so on. As what our pastor says in one of her lectures that don’t blame God of where we are right now, for we are the one who makes our life in the earth and the only thing the God can do is to guide us through his words which will help  to become who we are. And the only thing that God want from us is to have faith, love, and trust and hold on to him.  We may not feel God’s presence but in many reasons God sent somebody to help us and change our lives like what Jaime changed Landon in the story “A walk to Remember”.


The Notebook By: Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks

 Name: Nicholas Sparks
 Birth Date: December 31, 1965
 Place Of Birth: Omaha, Nebraska
 Education: University of Notre Dame
 Occupation: Author
              True Love do exists and some of  us do experience it as our heart beats so fast that you can't utter a single word. As we feel the love around and think of something lovely and say, " you think , that our love can create miracles? ...yes I do, that's what brings you back to me each time ..." is one of the  loveliest quote conversation between the two lover's  Noah Calhoun and Allie Nelson in the story.  
             The story of Nicholas Sparks reflects the two lovers who fell in love with each other through the years. The narrator of the story and the main character is Noah Calhoun. Noah good and kind man who fell in love with Allie fourteen years ago before the story opens. Allison Nelson, a young woman who comes from the rich family and spends wonderful summer with Noah. The two young fellows meet one evening at a carnival where Noah was love at first sight to Allie. And that’s the start of Allie’s wonderful summer with Noah. But Allie’s parents don’t think that Noah is good enough for their daughter and decided to separate the two by forcing Allie to move and go to college although she’s willing to give up everything for Noah.  Though they were separated due to Allie’s parents, Noah writes to Allie everyday and waited for her responds. But suddenly she never gets Noah’s letters for Allie’s mother hide it for not to Allie write back to him. Until Allie meet and falls in love with the handsome and wealthy soldier Lon Hamilton. They were engaged when Allie saw the picture of Noah standing in front of a fully restored 200 year old home with filled of praises for his accomplishments in the article. When Allie saw Noah’s picture in the article, she goes back and see if his okay and tell him about her marriage. The last time she saw this house, it was rotted decaying shamble in which they shared their last loving memories with each other. They spent a few days together and feel their echoes in their hearts, the one that has lasted all these years is not shared by the other. And Allie needs to choose between her FiancĂ© and Noah. As she choose Noah, though her fiancĂ© trying to win her back but in the end it’s too late. As she leaves, Anne Nelson (mother of Allie), she finally gives the letters to Allie and whispered to her that she should follow her heart. Years past, with the age of eighty, Noah had a stroke while Allie suffered Alzheimer’s disease. Noah reads Allie’s final letter again to help her remember things and to overcome the disease to be with him in the end. At that cause, she goes to the room of Allie to leave a poem under her pillow, but instead he kisses her passionately and she was awaken and recognize Noah, glad that he has come back to her and they both happy with a passionate love with each other. There passion will continue and they both rest themselves and die together ones more just as Allie had promised.
I was amazed and day dream of something while reading this story. It shows how powerful love is and how they both sacrifice and suffered things when they got separated because of Allie’s parents. Though years had passed to both of them, they still love each other and can’t deny to the fact that they are still hoping for a happy ending. I can’t imagine things like this. In the last chapter, I then realize that when you found your true love you’ll be the happiest person in the whole world. And that person will give you the best of your life everyday that you’ll treasure like a diamond that you’ll keep and hold on forever.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Peter Pan By: J.M Barrie

J.M Barrie

         Name: J.M Barrie
         Occupation: Author, Playwright
         Born: May 9, 1860
         Died: June 19, 1937
         Education: University of Edinburgh

             It is a classic story of the old time in which most of the children awaits during Christmas seasons. In 1911, J.M Barrie wrote Peter Pan in novel form in which parents read it during bedtime. He died in 1937, leaving the copyright of his beloved Peter Pan children’s story to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for the sick children in London. Peter Pan’s tale of magical adventure and childhood gives happiness and lessons to every readers especially to children.
           Peter Pan’s magical adventure starts in Neverland with his fairy friend named Tinker Bell, she is called Tinker Bell she mends the pots and the kettles. Do you believe in Fairies? Well, Peter do for he believes that in every baby first laugh, a new fairy was born and that fairy will be his/her fairy. Peter Pan was different from other children for he don’t have any mother or rather he forgot his mother than other children have. He don’t want to grow up, to go to school, to find a job and to be a man. He wants to enjoy his childhood forever. As he goes around in every window with Tinker Bell they saw Mrs. Darling with her three little young one’s named John, Michael and Wendy. Peter entered the window in which Mrs. Darling and Nana (their dog) noticed him. Then he leapt lightly in the window and Mrs. Darling screamed in distress for him for he thought he was killed. She ran down outside and found nothing but a shining shooting star. She returned to the nursery room and found something in her mouth which was the shadow of Peter, for Nana had closed it quickly as he leapt in the window. So Mrs. Darling decided to put Peter’s shadow in the cabinet. After the night, Peter and Tink go back to Wendy’s nursery room and look for his shadow and trying to attached it with soap. Wendy noticed him for she was half asleep, she saw Peter and she helped her in putting back his shadows by sewing it. Then Peter thanked Wendy by giving her a kiss but instead, Peter dropped an acorn button in her hand and wear his kiss on the chain around her neck. Then that's the first adventure of Wendy with her two young brothers with Peter Pan, the lost boys and the fairies. They encounter a lots of adventures like Captain Hook (the pirate), the mermaid’s lagoon, pirate ship and the fight between Peter Pan and Captain Hook. 

         After I read Peter Pan's adventure, I realize that we can't live without our dear parents especially our mothers. She's the one who molds and guides us to become who we are in the future. As children, growing up is part of our childhood in which we enjoy our innocence and learn things as we grow up.I love Wendy's character for she stand as their mother if though in her young age. Peter Pan story represents Love, Friendship and Childhood.