Thursday, December 20, 2012

Sick of Shadows By: Sharyn McCrumb

Sharyn McCrumb

Born:  Sharyn Elaine Arwood
            Wilmington, North Carolina
 February 26, 1948
Citizenship:  United States
 Education: Master's degree
Alma mater : University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Virginia Tech
Notable work(s) : Ballad
                             Elizabeth MacPherson

Eileen Chandler, of the very eccentric Georgia Chandlers, is all set to be married. Unfortunately nobody much likes the groom. They fear she’s out to snare her $200,000 inheritance from the last will if their great-aunt Agusta and take advantage of Eileen's delicate mental state. With her sensible cousin Elizabeth MacPherson,who's always been there to support Eileen hopes and to  have a friend in her corner in her state. Everything was set for the wedding and there are a lot of relatives and friends are coming to witness the wedding ceremony of Eileen Chandler and Michael Satisky, set by Eileen’s mother Amanda Chadler. Since her fiance makes a poem as his wedding gift, Eileen do paint for him as her wedding gift in return to Michael in a very secretive way.

But before the joyous wedding bells chimes, the murderer makes an uninvited appearance to the family. No one in the strange wedding party is above suspicion. Eileen’s died body was found in the old boat. She died because of the series bites of snake in the boat where her body was found and her painting was gone. After the incident happend to Eileen, everybody was seemed to be in their quite places and rest in their rooms aside from Charles, Geoffrey and Dr. Chandler who did their best to save Eileen's life. Sheriff Wesley Rountree with his Deputy Clay Taylor investigated the cased and undergo bunch of interrogation and suspicion with them. Each of the family members including  doctor of Eileen.  Many secrets were born and was known to Elizabeth. As she wrote her brother bill about of what happened and to their cousin Alban, Bill MacPherson and friend Milo do some investigation with the help if Elizabeth's letters. Twist of scenes in every chapter, rich and unpredictable characters, a witty mystrious story that no one could ever expect.