Sunday, November 25, 2012


                 Good Morning, Killer  is one of the series story of  April Smith. The author introduced her readership to an FBI Agent  in her first thriller, NORTH OF MONTANA. As Grey returns in GOOD MORNING, KILLER. Agent Ana Grey is a hardworking, sharp, tenacious in capturing the bad guys, and devoted to have justice to the victims. In Smith's second novel, she developed and explore the personality of her character Ana Grey.

               Santa Monica is stunned when one of its daughter Juliana Meyer-Murphy is kidnapped. Agent Grey is teamed with her lover Detective Andrew Berringer to solve the crime and return the teenage girl to its family. If she found alive. There are tensions between the two law enforcement officers when the case takes in different directions and strategies. It came to the point that her emotion stretched out between her lover and their relationship came cooling of at best. As the story goes, each chapter of these movie have its twist where the reader did not expect to be happened. When Juliana showed up and Agent Grey found out that she was brutalized, Ana Grey digs out to find justice to the victim. More twist, trilling events, disturbing personalities, relationship, and trust  in every chapter. 


Friday, November 16, 2012

Imperfect Endings By: Zoe FitzGerald Carter

Zoe FitzGerald Carter

           Zoe FitzGerald Carter is a graduate of Columbia Journalism School and has written for numerous publications including New York magazine, The New York Observer, Premiere, and various national magazines. Imperfect Endings is her first memoir. It won first place in the 2008 Pacific Northwest Writer's Association's literary contest and was a finalist at The San Francisco Writer's Conference. Zoe lives in Northern California with her husband and two daughters.

                  A Daughters Story of Love, Loss and Letting Go. . . I was amazed with these story. From its title alone, I was curious of what's the story behind it. Imperfect Endings was a base to a true to life story where the author was Zoe Fitzgerald Carter who lives in the west coast together with her husband and two daughters. An unexpected detour came when her glamourous, independent-minded mother, Margaret, decides she wants to “end things.” Tired of living with Parkinson’s disease, Margaret declares she is no longer willing to go where the illness is taking her. So she ask help with her daughters to help her with her plans.
          It was hard for Zoe to participate with her plans for she loved her so much. Zoe have a hard of time to convince her not to do it but Margaret's plans are firm sans she can't forced her.As I read these book every night. In every chapters that I have read. My heart skip a beat and imagining things that I was in the authors shoe. I can't help myself to imagine things from these book. Then I realize that I should treasure and love those bonding moments that we have with my mother. Death is everywhere and I don't have he assurance to have her for a long time. Thus, as Margaret died on her own terms the family who has to learn to let her go.